Freedom of speech

You often see these guys on the streets of St Pete. They usually employ a bullhorn or sound system to get their message across, along with handmade signs.
Labels: jesus, religious kooks
St. Petersburg, Florida: tourist haven or breeding ground for misfits? Answer: a little of both. This wannabe big-city burg carries a heavy reputation on its shoulders as a vacation paradise - yet, there's an undercurrent of oddness running through it. We'll capture images of the good, the not-so-good, and everything in between.
Labels: jesus, religious kooks
I met much the same but in a different way on Menton Daily Photo today. Nice pic. Interesting how they get the message across, or try to.
They make me feel uncomfortable. I just read an article about someone who makes travelling programs on tv and she said that the more she travelled, the more she was convinced there were higher powers. But who is to say these are from God?
I'll stop rambling