Friends of the Tampa Bay National Wildlife Refuges
Triple Fundraiser: Car Wash, Garage Sale and Dining event at Steak n Shake!
October 24th, 2009
9am – 4pm
Join us at the Steak and Shake, 4480 Park Street, St Petersburg (corner of Tyrone Blvd and Park Street)! We will have a Car Wash set up in the parking lot next to Steak n Shake to clean your car for a donation to Friends.
Plan to have Breakfast or Lunch at Steak n Shake and the restaurant will donate 15% of your purchase to the Friends! Pick up a coupon from us at the car wash to hand in with your receipt when you dine for the group to get credit. Purchase of gift cards count too – so think Christmas!
We will have our wonderful Pin cards and holiday Ornaments available for sale on site as well as a Garage Sale.
Be sure to fit us in to your schedule on the 24th and help us earn much needed funds for the Tampa Bay National Wildlife Refuges!

Bring your used ink cartridges, toners, and cell phones to the event – Friends will be collecting them for recycling and remanufacturing! When you search the web please go to, type in Friends of the Tampa Bay National Wildlife Refuges when it asks who do you search for, and we’ll get funds from your searches. If you shop amazon or ebay, and you enter from Goodsearch, we also get funds!
October 24th, 2009
9am – 4pm
Join us at the Steak and Shake, 4480 Park Street, St Petersburg (corner of Tyrone Blvd and Park Street)! We will have a Car Wash set up in the parking lot next to Steak n Shake to clean your car for a donation to Friends.
Plan to have Breakfast or Lunch at Steak n Shake and the restaurant will donate 15% of your purchase to the Friends! Pick up a coupon from us at the car wash to hand in with your receipt when you dine for the group to get credit. Purchase of gift cards count too – so think Christmas!
We will have our wonderful Pin cards and holiday Ornaments available for sale on site as well as a Garage Sale.
Be sure to fit us in to your schedule on the 24th and help us earn much needed funds for the Tampa Bay National Wildlife Refuges!

Bring your used ink cartridges, toners, and cell phones to the event – Friends will be collecting them for recycling and remanufacturing! When you search the web please go to, type in Friends of the Tampa Bay National Wildlife Refuges when it asks who do you search for, and we’ll get funds from your searches. If you shop amazon or ebay, and you enter from Goodsearch, we also get funds!
Great bird photo.
Good fundraising and "greening" ideas - will share with our Friends of Hagerman NWR, thanks! Sue