The Buccaneer

10800 Gulf Blvd, Treasure Island, St Petersburg, Fla
Directly on the Gulf of Mexico - Straight out Central Avenue (St. Petersburg's main st.) across Treasure Island Causeway, is THE BUCCANEER.
200 ft. of beautiful white sand beach at your door, 50 attractive units, including 10 waterfront apartments.
Telephone and T.V. in each room. 100% air-conditioned.
Our restaurant serves excellent food. Moderate prices.
Automatic electric heat. Off-street parking - Shuffleboard - Excellent swimming and fishing - Grand group of guests each year.
"The Motel That's Busy All Year 'Round"
Lu & Stu Butterfield, Owners-Managers Phone 21-1741
Copyright 1955.
Labels: "treasure island, motel, vintage