The Sun Room, Huntington Hotel

from glass enclosed Laini (sic) overlooking Tropical Gardens
The Huntington - A Resort Hotel of Merit
Phone 7-7827
Postmarked August 23, 1971 from Largo!
Typewritten note:
Dear Rae: Lucille didn't get the dishwashers Sun. sorry to inconvenience you at this time, but she can get them at a later date. O.K.?
This is the place mu cousin Joe stayed in when he was here in May. Its been very hot last few days, and we've been to Beach three times in last week. Cloudy today. May rain. Love, Pauline
That's a lovely sun room and a funny postcard message. Does the hotel still exist?
Hi Hilda.
Unfortunately the Huntington was torn down. It was one of St Pete's largest hotels at the time (including the Vinoy and the Soreno). Where it once stood now is a block of new condominiums.
Thanks for the comments!